This weekend I'm participating in my first multi-family rummage sale since I've moved to the Twin Cities.
When we arrived last night with our truckload, there were some neat vintage items, kitchen supplies and baby supplies already sorted out. We added to the mix our stereo, snowboard boots, speakers, kitchenware, silk scarves, furniture, my mountain bike, and books. Another load was packed from the recording studio as well.....I saw an electric guitar, drum pedal, and recording goodies in those boxes. It looks like it's gonna be a rad rummage sale. Lots of cool stuff.
I didn't include my treadmill in the lot - I wasn't sure if this was the right time of the year to sell a treadmill. I paid $300 for it 3 years ago, so I'm hoping I can get $100 for it sometime soon.
If you're interested in musical equipment, furniture, vintage items, kitchen supplies, baby clothes, kids toys (for kids or circuit bending), stereo, speakers, or books, check it out:
4137 12th Ave S, 8am-4pm on Sat (9/6) and Sun (9/7).
[where: 55406]
What kind of treadmill are we talking about? Can you email me the specs?
alexis - Fortunately, or unfortunately, someone contacted me right after I posted, and I promised him the treadmill. Thanks for your interest. You are the hip.
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