I've been promoted to the jobby-job I've wanted for years! YAY!! Senior Editor!
All the schooling, all the "putting in my dues," all the self doubt, anxiety and poverty finally paid off.
I don't really say prayers or offer sacrifices or anything, but I'm offering up my thanks to any beings or spirits or robots who helped me along the way.

Congratulations!!!!!! That's totally fantastic!!!
(I'm so jealous, I've never been promoted to anything, ever!)
jmullan, ranty - Thanks for the love!! And ranty, I'm officially promoting you to "sweetest blog acquaintance that I never met in real life."
Nice one, M. Congrats on yer promotion...
Well done Marie!
Let's celebrate at Bastille Day Sunday.
Thanks brian! Who are you?
David - Tres magnifique!
Way to go, Reetz! You deserve everything you have!
gerg, "whatever I did to deserve you, it couldn't have been enough." - xkcd
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