So Town Talk Diner just celebrated their 1 year anniversary, and I wanted to send a shout out, especially to Nick and Aaron, cuz they rule and they show love to their patrons.
gerg and I popped in during the great winter storm last weekend to grab some grub at the front counter. I had a tempeh sammich and soup. gerg had the fried egg sammich. I drank a lovely NA concoction that was creamy and citrus-y, but I was too focused on my creamy winter root soup to ask what was in the drink. Silly Reetsy!! (to the adorable bartender with the great hair who made my drink - thank you!)
Check out Dara's shout out to Town Talk in Bon Appetit. And read Alexis McKinnis' recap of a day in the life of mixologist Aaron Johnson.
There's the upcoming GQ feature and the new restaurant to anticipate, so I'll be mentioning these folks again. Believe dat.
Happy anniversary Town Talk!!

I miss the Town Talk, having not been there for a week or two. Maybe I'll be back tomorrow night now that I've been inspired by your post.
Ed, we stopped in last night for after a snowy walk. I had the chopped salad and they added some smoked salmon for me. gerg had a bacon wrapped chili dog. If you can get in there on a snowy night, I recommend it. They cheer you on for having made the effort.
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