A few weeks after that, I realized that there's an entire world of podcasts out floating around on the www (I pronounce this "dubdubdub").

Sometimes I listen to them at work. Of course, NPR is always an option, but sometimes "Calling all Pets" ain't what we are wanting to hear. Please share your wikked cool and crucial podcasts with me.
Check out these podcasts for cool, interesting, and sometimes laughable commentaries and/or reviews. I listen to these podcasts.
Withering Glance. Rick Nelson and Claude Peck dispense unasked-for advice about clothing, relationships, and grooming among other topics. All with a Twin Cities flair that makes the podcast especially fun for Twin Cities dwellers.
gerg introduced me to Inside Home Recording. Inside Home Recording (IHR) is the longest-running podcast covering the latest in home studio recording, hosted by Paul Garay and Derek K. Miller (who replaced original co-host James Devon in mid-2006). The Canadian duo review all kinds of cool gadgets for recording and listening.
Musicheads is a podcast brought to us weekly by the musicheads at The Current. Bill Deville brings guest hosts to the show and they review some of their favorite new albums. I first heard the Earl Greyhounds on this podcast. We were driving though Wausau, WI on hwy 39 when they played them, and I literally stared at the radio, as if somehow staring at the radio would help me concentrate on the music more cuz I was falling for the Earl Greyhounds with each passing note. Lots of new and sometimes interesting music on this podcast.
Who doesn't love Chicago Public Radio's This American Life? It's not easy to describe the show, as they admit: "There's a theme to each episode, and a variety of stories on that theme. It's mostly true stories of everyday people, though not always. There's lots more to the show, but, like we said, it's sort of hard to describe." You get to peek in on some insanely interesting day-to-day story of someone out there in America. They broadcast the complexity and randomness of how things come to be in this land of the free through stories about real people.
A few podcasts I like: NPR's Story of the Day, Savage Love Podcast, and Grammar Girl.
Well, if you like our show at Inside Home Recording, I guess you don't mind tech talk too much, right? :) Thanks for listening.
Ed - Story of the Day and Savage Love are both familiar to me. Savage Love is almost *too* familiar to me. *blush* Grammar Girl is new and MOST WELCOME. thanks!
Derek - Howdy! You have no idea how much I enjoy IHR. We're traveling to Ireland in June, and we've been exploring our options for recording what we hear there...especially pub music. gerg and I have both been concerned about you and the upcoming surgery in May. *good vibes are coming from MPLS*
I noted some of my faves on Drivelogue a couple months ago, but my podcasts channel on itunes is packed. I love NPR Shuffle and TAL, The World podcast, and a few others for talk. But I also love music podcasts, ESPECIALLY Blentwell and Drum & Bass Arena. Perfect for workouts and runs.
david foureyes - I forgot about NPR shuffle. I think you told me about that once, or perhaps I overheard a conversation you were having with gerg...anywho, yeah....NPR Shuffle!
Keep em coming. I'm loading up the nano for the drive.
My favorite hour of radio would have to be This American Life. I barely get the radio station from my apartment but that doesn't stop me. I perch on my kitchen counter with my radio stacked on top of the mircowave; the signal is weak and almost trumped by the college radio funk hour. Here I balance, listening carefully, smiling at the sharp wit of upper class urban spinsters, and loving every minute of it.
I love imagining Crystal perched like a crane with her long legs....
Be careful kitty!! Too many shots and a pair of heels might be too much for this cicumstance!
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