The ladies sipped wine and beer. I ordered a 40oz of Schlitz Malt Liquor.
We were amped that the Town Talk released their new menu last night. It's official; there is a brat burger on the menu.
I asked the boys if I could slap the menu on my blog, since it prolly won't be up on their site for a couple more days. They gave me the green light.
So here it is - the new Town Talk Menu!
Some oldies and some newbies. I'm looking forward to the vegetable terrine, the revised chopped salad, the risotto, and the strawberry-rhubarb crisp.
(click on the image to see a larger version)

Wee! Thanks for posting that.
They also have some new adult malts... one of which is designed to mimic Trix cereal and frighteningly tastes exactly like it. A lot of fun, but too sugary for my tastes. There's a couple more adult malts that got added but I forget what they were.
s4xton - I saw those! I forget them too, but I remember being happy that the panty dropper was still on the list.
The Bratburger patty can also be replaced with tempeh, which goes perfectly (of course) with the kimchi.
More TTD choices = more to love.
We had the veggie terrine and the smoked salmon appetizers last night.
Both have exquisite flavors.
The terrine is chilled and tangy. The goat cheese served with the terrine is some of the best I've ever had. The emulsion is light and packed with flavor. This is a taste sensation.
The smoked salmon dish is different than what I expected. Chef brought the pancake recipe from the French Meadow. The pancakes are the fluffy, silver dollar variety, not the big crispy kind that come with applesauce. They line up four silver dollar cakes on a platter, top em with avacado and some AWZUM cured and smoked salmon with a little drop of horseradish on top. I wouldn't have minded more horseradish.
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