But first, I insisted on partying. Spent Friday night in North East Art-A-Whirling. Hit the Minnesota Center for Photography's juried member show, Photocentric, and I saw one photograph that totally captivated me by Aron Gent called Guest Bathroom.
Followed that with cocktails at 331 and the Peacock Lounge.

Then off for more art and good times at the vita.min party at casket arts. A bunch of people attended. I spotted Steven Brown and alexis at the party. I also spotted that bartender in the purple shirt, who had the same matt and nat wallet that I have!

Saturday morning came too early, as we hit the sales in Linden Hills. gerg scored a like-new dishwasher from a family that had just remodeled. I found some gignatic pink sunglasses to rokk for the show on Saturday night.
Dressed in a hurry to hit the Dallas Orbiter show at the Heliotrope Festival cuz we lolly-gagged too long at the shops that afternoon. Naturally, I ended up ripping my new eyelet dress right before we went out, but I quick-fixed it with packing tape. We met the band at the Modern before the show. They raved about the pot roast. scarlet said her chevre appetizer had "too much flavor"...I have no idea what that means.

Sometime during the night, it went from like 80 degrees to 40. That was totally lame. We were cold. The band came back to our place to unload their gear, and we ended up partying at our house again. scarlet passed out adorably again. I remembered how much I love the Billy Nayer Show.
Finally, on Sunday, scarlet had her nachos, thanks to IIII's recommendation. We headed to the North East Bulldog and met up with IIII.

gerg and I also dominated IIII and scarlet at shuffleboard.

check out our pics from Art A Whirl and Heliotrope by clicking here.
Ketchup? On a brat? FOR SHAME!!!!
It was a hot dog/weiner, I believe. I think diddy put ketchup, kraut, and onion on hers. They were selling them on the street outside of the vita.min party.
Were it a frank, that's even more of an abomination.
And yeah, I was, like, there. ;)
ketchup on franks is an abomination? I wasn't aware!
I thought you left while they were waiting in line for diggity dogs, but now that I think about it, I think we gave you a ride home! hhahahaha
Reetz- Yeah...that, and I had to walk by it to go INTO the party ;)
Mustard goes on hotdogs (and all thigs dog-like), ketchup goes on McDonalds hamburgers and fries.
Dre asked for ketchup at a stand in Battery Park once and the guy giving her the dog and the guy behind her in line both yelled at her. Funnier still, last year we saw a girl in Wrigleyville @ Byrons get her hot dog taken away from her when she asked for ketchup (they gave it back when she promised to not ruin it).
I knew you'd care:
Thanks to IIII and Andrew Zimmern, I must know more about meat than any other non-meat-eating human in Minneapolis.
I had a surreal moment meeting Steven Brown that night; he said he'd been wanting to meet me for a long time. Talk about other-way-around.
Have fun on vacation!
I saw some of my pals chatting with him and resisted the urge to approach him; I was drunk and prolly woulda started talking ebonics to him or something.
Is getting tipsy on Jameson with your bf's parents on vacation a good idea? I hope it'll be a good time!
I was just asking him if he wanted to come over and make me dinner. To be honest, I have no idea what I said other than, "hey, remember the time when i talked to you at sample room last month...yeah, that was sweet". Free beer is a good idea for about 30 minutes.
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